Here is a breakdown of the Science Notebook:
Page One
-Title Page
Page Two
Page Three
- Materials
-Safety Tips
Page Four
-More Safety Tips
- Vocabulary
Page Five and Six
- Procedure (there are eight steps listed, for shorter experiments use can use just one page)
Page Seven through Fifteen
- Observations (there are four different observation templates, choose which is appropriate for your experiment)
Page Sixteen
-More Questions
Here is how I print these for my classroom:
I love these notebooks because of the variation. You can vary the experiment type and how students record observations. You can also vary how many "notebooks" are printed in one book. For the beginning of the year it may be easier to do one to three "notebooks" and staple them together. Towards the middle of the year you can increase the amount you copy off.
I have also created some FREE Scientific Method Posters to go along with the journals. Check them out here.
I hope you enjoy using these in your classroom!
Happy Experimenting!

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