We shave been reviewing short vowels the past couple weeks. Students have so much fun finding which "house" the words belong in. These words families are super easy to make. I make houses and put the word family at the top. I cut index cards and write the different words on them.
Students come up and tape the the missing word into it's home. Students can reference these anchor charts while doing word work or reading.
I had to share this awesome student gift I got! He knew I liked to eat salad, and during his walk to the garden he brought me some vegetable to make a salad. Too cute!
We started our Daily 5 by talking about expectations and learning targets for each of the five activities. We talked about a think about before starting on work on writing. This is one of the foundation lessons described by The 2 Sisters. Click the link here to visit their website. Students refer to this chart to remind them of the thinking process before writing.
I love these little erasers from Target. They can be found in the dollar spot when you first walk in. Each season they have new ones. I use them as a math manipulative with number bonds, adding & subtracting, fractions, etc.
I finally got around to labeling some of my supplies. You can find these labels here or by clicking on the picture. These labels make it so much easier for me and my students to find what we need, and quickly.
Thanks for checking out this week's Five for Friday!
Happy Teaching!
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