I am linking up with K's Classroom Kreations and Theresa's Teaching Tidbits for Math Tip Mondays! Be sure to check out the link the first Monday of the month for new math tips. This month will be focusing on addition and subtraction.
One of the main focuses of primary math is addition and subtraction fluency. It is another one of those building blocks needed for successful mathematicians, (along with place value and number sense.) It is crucial students are given multiple opportunities and strategies to understand the relationships between numbers when adding and subtracting.
Grab these FREE Number Bonds by clicking here or on any of the pictures.
I LOVE to use number bonds show the part-part-whole relationship. I begin the year using number bonds to show addition and how to different parts can become one. As we move into subtraction, students are able to see the connection between adding and subtracting and understand fact families.
To help students first understand the number relationship before adding numerals, I like to use different manipulatives. Little erasers in different shapes and themes are great for this. Students are able to see the different parts and when put together become a whole.
With Halloween around the corner I love using these themed erasers to show part-part-whole relationships.
Another way to show the part-part-whole relationship is by using two sided counters. I like to shoe the different decompositions of a number by selecting an amount of counters, putting them in a small cup, shaking them, and seeing the different ways to make that number.
Check out this freebie I made just for you! It has different number bond templates to help your students see part-part-whole relationships. Click here or any of the pictures.
Students can write on the laminated number bonds, or they can use manipulatives to put into the number bond template.
Thanks for stopping by to check out this months Math Tip! Join me back next month for some new math tips to use in your classroom. In the meantime, check out some other great tips from my friends below!
Happy Mathing!
These are very cute. I use a lot of part-part whole activities for addition/subtraction. Kids should love your activities.